Program Review Process

UNC Charlotte’s Program Review Process is intended to:

  • Assess quality and effectiveness

  • Stimulate planning and improvement

  • Ensure that goals are consistent with University strategic priorities

  • Support budgeting

At minimum, the academic program review process should include: 1) an examination of the function of the program, department, or unit; 2) a self-assessment; 3) an evaluation from key stakeholders; and 4) a final report including an overview of the review process, major findings and an action plan. The cycle of review concludes two years later with a report describing the actions taken as a result of the review. Academic program reviews should be conducted every 5-7 years and no less than every 10 years. Considerations that might lead to a delay beyond 7 years include a recent transition to a new director, recent significant organizational change, and compliance or other certification schedules. Every unit reporting to the Provost should conduct a program review for their area. The Office of Assessment and Accreditation offers consultation and support on the development of the program review.

To learn more about high quality program reviews read Program Review and Assessment for Continuous improvement: Asking the Right Questions (Eggleston, 2020)
